I was curious to find out more on digital footprints and found out that our footprints can be created through active and passive acts. Active acts are when an individual willingly shares information and thus creating a footprint online. Our footprint is also created through passive acts such as surfing the net. Profile companies link and collect data on individuals to determine likes and dislikes. The company then analyses the date and is able to determine habits, preferences, intentions and possible future behaviour of an individual. It is important for all individuals to be aware of this in order to create positive footprints by discriminating what information is shared.
A footprint is something we leave behind, it is like our legacy. As teachers, we need to ensure that we leave behind a legacy that has a positive impact on students. Our legacy should inspire, inform and teach. Information that can do this should be shared by teachers.
The impact of sharing information:
- loss of privacy
- loss of trust others use our information inappropriately
- loss of reputation if information is negative or incorrect